Sunday, November 9, 2014


     Nature has a weird way of going about.  It's designed
for self-destruction.  And what is considered "natural"
constantly changes, and people change their own view of nature
when in the end there is almost nothing natural in our day 
to day life anymore.  Yeah, there are trees on our campus
but we chose where they went.
     That's enough of that, I don't want to get too
rantful(?).  I guess nature and I have a bad relationship.
There are days where I love the same weather I hated,
days that the snow is a beauty and other days
where it only prohibits my desire to be with friends
by blocking the road.
     Y'know, I like the forest.  I like how things
work.  It doesn't mean that Nature and I can walk 
together without one finding fault in the other and
exposing it to the world.  I know how Nature
holds grudges, and they know that I get depressed
with Winter so they set me up on blind dates with
him all the time.
               Is it natural to have scorn for Nature?
               Is it Nature that hurts me?
               Does Nature have many methods to do so?
               And why, oh why is it natural for some to
not give a damn while I give too much of a damn?
"I want you so much
but I hate your guts"
  ~ Landfill by Daughter

my feelings for nature summed up in a song.


  1. "I know how Nature
    holds grudges, and they know that I get depressed
    with Winter so they set me up on blind dates with
    him all the time."

    I really liked this.

  2. "It doesn't mean that Nature and I can walk
    together without one finding fault in the other and
    exposing it to the world."
    Mmmmm mm mm

  3. WHAT THE LITERAL HELL!!!!! you have a real-time earth and moon phase diagram. I just felll in love with your blog all over again. your the bees knees
